Legal advice in Nuremberg for companies

Whether labour law, tax law or commercial law - there are various interactions between the legal disciplines that must be taken into account when providing comprehensive legal advice for companies.

Our multi-professional legal and tax law firm offers customized, individual solutions that take into account the concerns of tax law as well as those of the other areas of law concerned. This saves you time-consuming lines of communication from one law firm to the next, as well as the fees of several advisers for one and the same problem.

Our lawyers offer comprehensive legal advice and representation in many fields of law.
Arrange a non-binding initial consultation now!

Our fields of law

Labour law

In the field of labour law, we represent both employers and employees. From the drafting of employment and termination agreements to dismissal and representation in all labour law disputes, including collective labour law, we support our clients with our expertise both in out-of-court negotiations and in court proceedings.


Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Construction law

We advise developers and builders on the drafting and review of construction contracts, including contract management, and represent them in litigation at any stage of construction and when construction defects occur.

We advise private investors on the acquisition and implementation of real estate investments, as well as on the development and realization of real estate projects.


Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Inheritance law

Hardly any other area of law is as emotional as inheritance law. We represent you in and out of court in asserting your claims under inheritance law, and provide you with legal assistance in disputes with joint heirships and in asserting claims to legacies or compulsory portions.

In order to avoid inheritance disputes in court, we also advise you on planning your succession in advance. We support you in drafting succession concepts and contracts for the transfer of assets inter vivos and by reason of death, in particular by will, contract of inheritance or gift contract.

One of our consulting focuses is the planning and support of company successions. Through close cooperation with our tax consultancy, we can also optimise your succession process from a tax point of view.

Another focus is on international inheritance law, especially Austrian, French and Czech law.


Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Angelika Bisch

Diplom-Kaufmann, tax consultant, certified special adviser for company succession (DStV e.V.)

Family law

Our main focus in the area of family law is the drafting of marriage contracts, inheritance contracts, civil partnership contracts and divorce agreements.


Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Corporate law

We provide comprehensive advice on all matters of corporate law, from the formation to the liquidation of a company. In addition to drafting and amending articles of association, we also assist in the transformation processes of companies and groups of companies. In addition to corporate law, the purchase and sale of companies and participations in companies are also among the core competences of our law firm.

In the event of disputes, we represent you in an advisory capacity and examine whether arbitration or mediation is the better alternative instead of proceedings before a state court.


Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Commercial law

Compared to general civil law, commercial law differs in a variety of special regulations for commercial transactions. We advise and represent companies and merchants in drafting representation, including general terms and conditions. With our know-how, we support you in pursuing and enforcing your justified claims, both on a national and international level.


Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Commercial agency law

In the area of commercial agency law, we represent commercial and insurance agents as well as authorized dealers. We have many years of experience in drafting commercial agency agreements, enforcing commission claims, representing clients in terminations, compensation claims at the end of contracts and defending against or enforcing non-competition and non-competition clauses.


Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Real estate law

For both individuals and companies, the purchase or sale of a property is an important fundamental decision that often goes hand in hand with far-reaching investment decisions. To ensure that you make the right decisions, we provide you with comprehensive advice on all legal situations and the associated financing issues.


Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Debt collection

The effective and quick enforcement of justified claims is of particular importance for companies. We advise and support you in the recovery of your justified claims, including the collection of several similar and essentially undisputed claims.

We also provide comprehensive advice on the judicial enforcement of disputed claims in civil proceedings and represent you in court.


Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Insolvency law

Structural change, changes in the market or other crises - companies often find themselves in crisis situations through no fault of their own. With our experience in insolvency law, we advise creditors and debtors and find a solution to the crisis.

One of the main focuses of our work is preventive advice for companies at risk of insolvency in order to avoid insolvency. With preventive restructuring advice, we support companies at risk of going out of business and provide them with comprehensive support in legal and related business issues.

In the context of creditor representation, we are particularly interested in the quick and effective enforcement of the legitimate interests of the creditor in the form of the enforcement and realisation of existing collateral as well as the assertion of rights to separation and separation rights.


Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Tenancy and lease law

We provide comprehensive advice on all matters of corporate law, from the formation to the liquidation of a company. In addition to drafting and amending articles of association, we also assist in the transformation processes of companies and groups of companies. In addition to corporate law, the purchase and sale of companies and participations in companies are also among the core competences of our law firm.

In the event of disputes, we represent you in an advisory capacity and examine whether arbitration or mediation is the better alternative instead of proceedings before a state court.


Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

M & A (Merger and Acquisition)

In the field of M & A advice, we work together with the auditors and tax advisers of our firm on an interdisciplinary basis and thus have a broad know-how in advising and representing companies and entrepreneurs in the purchase and sale of companies.

We support you in all phases of a corporate transaction: from the decision to sell and the search for suitable buyers to the selection of the target company when the purchase is desired, the preparation of a non-disclosure agreement, the preparation of the letter of intent, the financial, tax and legal due diligence reviews, the valuation of the company and price negotiations to the drafting and signing of the contract.

One of our core competences is the complete or partial sale of family businesses to investment companies.


Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Dr. Horst Schaffer

Diplom-Kaufmann, auditor, tax consultant

Tax law

In the area of tax law, we are your competent partner, in particular when it comes to representing you in opposition proceedings as well as in tax court action proceedings. One focus is the tax-optimised drafting of contracts, for example in the case of corporate restructuring or business succession.


Florian Fuchs

Lawyer, tax law specialist

Law regarding fiscal offences

In law regarding fiscal offences, we advise our clients in the context of correcting tax returns and in the case of voluntary declarations with the aim of exemption from punishment. In addition, we advise and represent you in the context of criminal tax investigations and negotiate on your behalf with the tax authorities and prosecuting authorities.

Execution of wills

It is advisable to place the settlement of the estate in the hands of an experienced executor, not only in the case of company assets, but also in the case of complex private assets. We act as trustee for the testator and handle his estate according to his wishes. Our aim is to meet the interests of all parties involved, in particular the heirs and those entitled to a compulsory portion.


Angelika Bisch

Diplom-Kaufmann, tax consultant, certified special adviser for company succession (DStV e.V.)

Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Company succession

The preservation of your life's work is also our goal! In order to ensure a sustainable and cross-generational preservation of your business, a long-term planned and ideally successive transfer of assets to the next generation during your lifetime is of great importance. This is because an inheritance without a prepared business succession can lead to considerable dangers and risks.

The amended inheritance tax law places special demands on entrepreneurs, but also offers considerable structuring possibilities, which, in particular in the case of anticipated succession, enable a tax-favourable or even completely tax-free transfer of business assets.

In addition to inheritance tax, income tax in particular often poses a major threat to businesses. In particular, the unintentional dissolution of hidden reserves through an unfortunate drafting of a will can trigger catastrophic consequences.

We advise you on the design of succession solutions and optimally implement your wishes and ideas under inheritance law, tax law and company law aspects. The interests of the transferring generation, primarily the interests of provision and security, are at the centre of our attention. We work together with our tax advisors to ensure that your company succession is optimally structured, thus making our entire know-how available to you.


Dr. Horst Schaffer

Diplom-Kaufmann, auditor, tax consultant

Angelika Bisch

Diplom-Kaufmann, tax consultant, certified special adviser for company succession (DStV e.V.)

Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Transformation law

Together with our tax and corporate law experts, we use transformation law to design your corporate structures according to your individual needs. In doing so, we provide you with advice at every stage of the restructuring process. In particular, we support you in choosing the most favourable legal form for you, drawing up contracts between the legal entities involved, fulfilling reporting obligations and any necessary transformation audit.

Contract law

With the drafting and negotiation of contracts of all kinds, contract law forms a focus of our legal activities. We support you in the drafting and design of contracts, in particular the general terms and conditions of purchase contracts, supply contracts, contracts for work and services, distribution and cooperation agreements as well as tenancy and lease agreements.

In doing so, it is particularly important to do justice to the individual interests of the contracting parties. Based on our experience, we try to anticipate possible future problem areas between the parties and to regulate them in a way that is in line with their interests.


Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Enforcement law

The effective enforcement of justified claims requires a sound knowledge of enforcement law. Unfortunately, the reality often shows that even after the titling of your justified civil law claims, the debtor is still not willing or able to meet his obligations.

In this case, we support you in effectively enforcing your claims. In doing so, we make use of the available options, such as compulsory enforcement.


Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Civil law proceedings

We provide comprehensive advice on all matters of corporate law, from the formation to the liquidation of a company. In addition to drafting and amending articles of association, we also assist in the transformation processes of companies and groups of companies. In addition to corporate law, the purchase and sale of companies and participations in companies are also among the core competences of our law firm.

In the event of disputes, we represent you in an advisory capacity and examine whether arbitration or mediation is the better alternative instead of proceedings before a state court.


Sophia Schmid

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for labour law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Matthias Braun

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for inheritance law, specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, maître en droit, commercial lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)

Comprehensive legal advice in all areas of civil, commercial and tax law

We represent entrepreneurs and companies as well as individuals in court and out-of-court negotiations. The interdisciplinary cooperation with our tax advisers, auditors and management consultants enables us to provide tailor-made legal advice, taking into account your personal and economic goals while considering the tax implications.

With a large network of cooperating specialists at home and abroad, we expand our portfolio beyond our internal fields of competence and thus create the basis for a long-term and trusting cooperation. For companies, we are happy to act as an external legal department. For individuals, we take on the role of the family lawyer who is available as the first point of contact in all legal matters.